Category: Careers


我们是一家领先的量化交易公司和流动性提供商,旨在提供卓越的风险调整回报。通过结合全面的数学分析、广泛的金融市场知识和尖端的人工智能技术解决方案,我们的交易模型经受住了时间的考验。在系统性决策、算法执行和主动风险管理方面,我们是市场领域的先锋。我们的团队由来自顶级投资银行(如摩根士丹利/美林证券(美国银行)/瑞银集团/麦格理银行)的经验丰富的人才组成,以及来自伦敦政治经济学院/牛津大学/南洋理工大学/新加坡国立大学等知名学府的优秀毕业生。   【职责】 设计、开发和维护用于数据集成和管理的ETL流程 从各种来源提取、转换和加载数据到我们的数据平台 与数据分析师和业务相关方合作,了解数据需求并实施数据转换规则 执行数据分析和剖析,识别数据质量问题并实施数据清洗策略 创建并维护ETL流程、数据映射和数据转换规则的文档 优化ETL流程以提高性能和可扩展性 监控和排查ETL作业,及时解决问题   【要求】 计算机科学、信息技术或相关领域的学士学位 在金融或相关行业担任ETL开发工程师的proven经验 精通ETL工具,如Informatica、DataStage或SSIS 具备SQL经验,熟悉数据库系统,如Elasticsearch、PostgreSQL、Doris、MongoDB、MySQL、Neo4J、Milvus 理解数据建模和数据仓库概念 能够分析复杂数据集并执行数据剖析和质量检查 优秀的问题解决能力和沟通技巧 注重细节,能在快节奏的环境中高效工作 优先考虑具备银行系统和金融数据知识的候选人   【福利】 可选择在马来西亚、西班牙和巴巴多斯远程工作,最高可达100%由您自主选择;每年还可出国工作长达25天 具有竞争力的基本工资和奖金 扁平化的组织结构,积极的团队氛围 每年多次公司海外旅行 休闲活动,如体育运动、桌游等   【工作地点】 中国苏州/马来西亚新山/爱尔兰都柏林/智利圣地亚哥   有兴趣的人士请将简历发送至   请注明职位名称和申请职位:姓名 + 职位

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Quantitative Trading System Engineer

We are a leading quantitative trading firm and liquidity provider that aims to deliver exceptional risk-adjusted returns. With the combination of comprehensive mathematical analysis, extensive financial market knowledge, and cutting-edge AI technology solutions, our trading model has stood the test of time. We are the avant-garde within the market space in terms of systematic decision […]

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Senior Engineer with Large Language Models (LLMs) and Machine Learning Experience

We are a leading quantitative trading firm and liquidity provider that aims to deliver exceptional risk-adjusted returns. With the combination of comprehensive mathematical analysis, extensive financial market knowledge, and cutting-edge AI technology solutions, our trading model has stood the test of time. We are the avant-garde within the market space in terms of systematic decision […]

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Kubernetes Engineer

We are a leading quantitative trading firm and liquidity provider that aims to deliver exceptional risk-adjusted returns. With the combination of comprehensive mathematical analysis, extensive financial market knowledge, and cutting-edge AI technology solutions, our trading model has stood the test of time. We are the avant-garde within the market space in terms of systematic decision […]

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ETL Developer

We are a leading quantitative trading firm and liquidity provider that aims to deliver exceptional risk-adjusted returns. With the combination of comprehensive mathematical analysis, extensive financial market knowledge, and cutting-edge AI technology solutions, our trading model has stood the test of time. We are the avant-garde within the market space in terms of systematic decision […]

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Senior Quant Trader

We are a leading quantitative trading firm and liquidity provider that aims to deliver exceptional risk-adjusted returns. With the combination of comprehensive mathematical analysis, extensive financial market knowledge, and cutting-edge AI technology solutions, our trading model has stood the test of time. We are the avant-garde within the market space in terms of systematic decision […]

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Senior Quantitative Market Risk Manager

We are a leading quantitative trading firm and liquidity provider that aims to deliver exceptional risk-adjusted returns. With the combination of comprehensive mathematical analysis, extensive financial market knowledge, and cutting-edge AI technology solutions, our trading model has stood the test of time. We are the avant-garde within the market space in terms of systematic decision […]

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