
About UTC Group

UTC Group is headquartered in Singapore and is a leading quantitative trading firm and liquidity provider, committed to delivering superior risk-adjusted returns. By combining comprehensive mathematical analysis, extensive knowledge of financial markets, and cutting-edge AI technology solutions, our trading models have stood the test of time. We are pioneers in systematic decision-making, algorithmic execution, and proactive risk management. Our team consists of seasoned professionals from top investment banks and graduates from prestigious academic background.

In the fast-changing world of capital market, the biggest challenge is accurately predicting market movements. Traditional models often fail to capture the complexity of modern markets, leading to missed opportunities and increased risks. At UTC, we are committed to overcoming this challenge by creating high-performance AI-driven infrastructure for the global financial industry. Our solutions empower top traders to efficiently manage various datasets within a regulatory framework, allowing them to focus on deeper research and make wiser decisions, thereby generating exceptional returns.

Our core values are integrity, innovation, simplicity, and altruism, which are all reflected in our business and management principles: “Do the right thing, exceed expectations, keep it simple, and help others.” These are the foundation of everything we do.

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